Several colorful fungus


SENSAR is a research project on smart textiles. It starts from a continuous questioning about the detection of the imperceptible, the preservation of ephemeral perceptions and sensations, with the goal of exhibiting them through the body and textile. How is touch perceived? How can it be archived or made tangible? What is the body exposed to? These are some of the questions.

As a designer I have questioned the role of textiles in society. How can textiles help people? How can textiles alert? How do textiles adapt to an emotional state? Textiles have the ability to heal wounds, to contain memories, and to contribute to society.

Therefore, SENSAR is a preamble to the possibilities that textiles have in contributing to society.

The project uses the software Arduino for the development of a touch sensor color recognition through conductive materials such as fabric and conductive yarn. In addition, the project designed a pattern design with programable LED lights and knitted a thermochromic wool sensitive to UV rays and temperature featuring with LED lights.

  • To measure, to detect a condition
  • Identifying the presence of something concealed
  • Detecting the imperceptible
  • Memorize the fleeting
  • Remembering the forgotten
  • Preserve the instantaneous
  • Measure the impalpable
  • Estimating the inappreciable
  • Noticing and discovering the invisible through the body
  • Appearing on the body those traces
  • Pattern design through conductive yarn and thermochromic textile


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